Other Repeaters

There are many other repeaters in the area so we have posted them up on this site so operators can enjoy the Amateur radio.

Other Area Repeaters
Please email me with any additions / corrections
Frequency / OffsetTone / DPLCall SignSponsorLocation
145.175 / –100.0KN6VVKN6VVLoveland
146.685 / –123.0NØFHEVARCEstes Park
147.000 / +100.0KCØKWDWARSGreeley
147.195 / +100.0WØLRALRALoveland
147.270 / +100.0WØENOLARCLongmont
147.360 / +100.0WØQEYCSUFort Collins
224.320 / –100.0KN6VVKN6VVLoveland
446.7375 / – MOTOTRBO
TS 2 Local
Color Code 2
TS 1 Use
Group Call 1 or 3
TS 2 Use
Group Call 2
Programming Tutorial
447.200 / –82.5KØFNLKØFNLFort CollinsCactus HillHW 14&HW 257
447.450 / –123.0WØIGWØIG / KCØRBTFort Collins
447.725 / –131.8W7RFW7RFFort Collins
448.325 / –110.9WB7UPSWB7UPSWellington
448.475 / –100.0KCØKWDWARSGreeley
448.800 / –88.5WØENOLARCLongmont
449.425 / –94.8NØZUQNØZUQFort Collins
449.575 / –100.0WØLRALRALoveland
449.700 / –100.0KN6VVKN6VVLoveland
449.725 / –127.3KØOJKØOJGreeley
449.800 / –123.0NØFHEVARCEstes Park
449.850 / –100.0WØQEYCSUFort Collins
927.825 / –100.0ABØSFABØSFFort Collins
927.875 / –DPL 114NØZUQNØZUQFort Collins
927.950 / –100.0K1TJK1TJFort Collins
1283.550 / –100.0K1TJK1TJFort Collins
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