
Weekly Nets

Monday Tech Net

The club holds a technical net on Monday at 6:00 p.m. on the 447.275 (Negative offset & 100 Hz tone). This is an excellent chance to ask any question about radios, antenna, or just how to get on with that project. No questions are too simple.  Join us. Echo link folks, please join in.

If you have comments, topic suggestions, or questions for the net, please get in touch with [email protected]. If you don’t have a license and have questions you’d like to hear discussed on the air, please email those to the same address.

Wednesday Club Net

The club holds a net each Wednesday at 6:30 pm on the 447.275 repeater (Negative offset & 100 Hz tone).  This net starts as a formal net with check-ins and an opportunity to ask questions of the board and members.  Then switches to an informal net where participants can chat about anything on their mind.

              Attention: Should the 447.275 Horsetooth Repeater fail the NCARC Wednesday Club Net will promptly move to the 145.115 repeater (100Hz tone)

Upcoming Classes/Events

  • Technician Class
    Want to learn more about Amateur Radio and get your Technician Class License? NCARC will be hosting a Technician Class in November, this will be a two (2) day class with testing on the afternoon… Read more: Technician Class
  • 2024 NCARC Picnic
    Join us for the 2024 Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club Annual Picnic. This year we will be at the North Lake park in Loveland and hosting a Foxhunt along with the normal festivities. Location: 2750… Read more: 2024 NCARC Picnic
  • NCARC Field Day Survey
    NCARC is interested in getting member input on our Field Day activity, please fill out the below survey as accurate and honest as possible. Loading…

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

  • 7/26-28/2024, Never Summer Race Event: Walden, CO. More info here. Contact Wayne ADØKE
  • 9/20-22/2024, Red Feather Race Event: Red Feather, CO. More info here. Contact Bryan NØBCB
  • 9/22/2024, Equinox Marathon More Info here . Contact Marty KCØ[email protected]
  • 10/19/2024, Blue Sky Marathon: Fort Collins, CO. More info here. Contact Ron KØAZA  

Recent Presentations

Recent Tech Nets